A. Age: 29+2. (see what I did there? Still in my twenties!)
B. Bed size: Queen. But as you can see the empty spot is just about
all I get.
C. Chore you hate: Folding
clothes. I wish they magically came out of the dryer folder. Who do I need to
talk to about this!?
D. Dogs: Two, Koda and little Cruz
E. Essential start to your
day: coffee
F. Favorite color: sparkles
G. Gold or Silver: yes please!
H. Height: 5'2
I. Instruments you play: I slap the bass from time to time.
J. Job Title: Volunteer Coordinator for a Hospice
K. Kids: Two handsome sorta-step-kids.
L. Live: Phoenix ,
M. Married: Only person I need in this life of sin… Is me and
my boyfriend.
N. Nicknames: Court (not that original I know)
O. Overnight hospital stays: This is a totally weird and random question. How
will this help you get to know me?
P. Pet peeve: “I don’t have pet peeves. I
have major psychotic fucking hatreds, okay.” – George Carlin.
Q. Quote: See above. J
R. Righty or Lefty: Right said Fred.
Siblings: The best seester ever.
Lacey. She’ll probably love that I put this picture up… But hey, I look good!
T. Time you wake up: Somewhere between 6:16 AM and 7:00 AM.
U. University attended: Ottawa
University (DECEMBER I’LL
V. Vegetables you
dislike: Mushrooms and olives. BLEH! (wait are they veggies? I don't know cause I never eat them!)
W. What makes you run late: Probably the number one reason is not finding
anything to wear. I swear it’s like someone breaks into my house in the middle
of the night and steals all my clothes.
Oh and the line at Starbucks. It gets me at least once a week.
X. X-rays you've had: Again with the random questions… Really? Do you
really care how many x-rays I’ve had? Are you concerned about how much
radiation I’ve been exposed to?
Y. Yummy food: Sushi. It’s my absolute favorite!
(sushi station! the sushi comes around on a conveyer belt. I love this place)
Z. Zoo animal favorite: Lions, Tigers, Zebras, and Bears. Oh my!

I want to learn the bass!!! I love how far out Paul Rudd is holding his arm, haha...long neck on his imaginary bass!
If I haven't said this before I'm saying it now. You are one of my favorite bloggers missy!! You and your boyfriend are too cute and I couldn't stop laughing when I saw the "slappin' the bass" pic!!
You are hilarious, now I know more about me, oops, I meant YOU! ;) One question though...when is your bday!!
Dying over your answer about x-rays!
and i hate hate hate mushrooms too!
Slappin da bass! So funny!
O- How is your closet organized?
x- X-Ray vision or the ability to fly?
Such a cute post! I have a closet thief too
Hate mushrooms and olives too. They make me gag. Seriously. don't come near me with them
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