Tuesday, November 27, 2012

It's Tuesday Amuse day.

Let's laugh. 

 This was me last night... Attempting to Cyber Monday. 
Purse was in the other room. 
Best Christmas card ever. 



Angi said...

Ahahahaha.....I LOL'ed at every single one of those. Every. single. one.

My favorite, though? The kid holding the sewing machine with the wrecked UPS truck behind him.

Or maybe the "12 months pregnant" chick.

Oh man, I can't decide.

Anonymous said...

OH my gosh. I just came across your blog. I don't even know how, or why. But this is awesome. :) I can't pick a favorite, either!

Unknown said...

My husband is Mexican and the first time we saw the "No Juan Ever" we were cracking up. Love it!

lori said...

hahaha! love the christmas card one!!

Alison said...

Hahah, thank you for all of these! I especially love the "juan" one. My husband has a shirt that has a picture of a hispanic Obi-wan kenobi and it says "obi-juan". It's awesome.

Aubrey S. said...

That was totally me about the credit card last night... so I paid via paypal. Then I realized I messed the order up, which made calling the store and straightening it out even more complicated. Now waiting 7-10 days for an actual check. FAIL.