Monday, January 2, 2012

And so it begins.

I am a little tardy to the party but yesterday was the first of the month and I failed to post my First of the Month playlist... There were several factors that played into my lack of post... Number one being the GIANTS GAME!!!!

DID YOU SEE IT??? NFC champs!!! AND we beat the Cowboys!!! Yesterday was the best day of the year!!!!

Since we are still getting to know each other, here's another "Courtney*Cakes Fun Fact," I like to dance.... I like to dance all the time... When the giants win, well my need to dance grow.. My dear friend Erin decided one day to film my victory dancing and it quickly became a facebook phenomenon! Here's a little sample of what I am talking about...

It's been TWO years since I have made a video... Well guess what had to happen last night??!!!???!!! You guessed it... Girls, I have made another video.... It's not ready yet but here's a sample picture
I can't wait to share!! :)

The next reason for not posting was, duh, because it was New Year's Day... Although we stayed home, we did in fact get our drink on. Our Neighbor's came over with fireworks and we rang in the New Year with them...

So there's my excuses... I think they were pretty good....

So without further ado I present to you January*Loves....

Get a playlist! Standalone player

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